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COVID Guidelines & Safety

Keeping you all safe and complying to the governments covid related restrictions is of utmost importance to us.


It is for this reason also that we are limiting our workshop numbers.


All participants will be required to sign a form declaring that to the best of their knowledge they are in good health and are showing no COVID-19 Symptoms. Participants must also get in contact should they develop symptoms in the 2 weeks after the workshop has ended.

PAS COVID Workshop Risk Assessment:


At Pro-Actor Showreels we take the current pandemic and our clients safety extremely seriously. We are working within the guidelines provided to us by both the government, and the hired venue who have stated that meetings for professional work may continue during this time to the capacity which we have taken.


This is how we are making sure we keep you safe:



We require all participants and workshop leaders to fill out our daily COVID declaration that states you are not experiencing any COVID related symptoms at the time of the workshop. This form will be provided and signed on the day of the workshop.




All surfaces and items will be cleaned down before & after activities, as well as throughout the day as often as possible.

Clients must provide their own props, costumes & stationary.

Pro-Actor Showreels will also be providing anti-bac for all participants.




PAS will provide transparent visors for the entire group during a workshop and may be worn at the actors discretion. PAS will endeavour as much as possible to remain masked.




We are working within the hired venue guidelines as to how many people are allowed to be in the space, and we ensure to social distance workshop participants as much as possible. The Hired Venue guidelines can be viewed in the workshop dropbox folder.




Whenever possible, we will be ventilating via the doors and windows throughout the day. These will only be closed for quiet during filming, and then they will be opened again for continued ventilation.




It is extremely important that you do not attend our workshop with any coronavirus symptoms. If you experience symptoms during or immediately after the workshop, please do inform us immediately so we can take the entire groups safety into our hands.




Should the government advice change, or our date is effected by a new lockdown, PAS will be rearranging all scheduled workshops to a later date. Deposits & Payments are non-refundable, but fully transferrable should the government rules change mean we have to cancel. In this case we will let you know ASAP on the new scheduled workshop date.




These are our identified risks, and how we will reasonably adjust to these situations.


Student takes on COVID symptoms mid session: Student to be removed from the group and lateral flow test will be taken immediately.


Students accidentally end up in close proximity during a class: We will take note of all such occurrences, log them, and should either person develop symptoms after the workshop, those who came into close proximity will be notified.


Thank you again for reading and understanding our COVID workshop Risk Assessment. It’s extremely important we adhere to this risk assessment, so that Pro-Actor Showreels are able to continue offering our services during these times.





@ Pro-Actor Showreels

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